Prevent cheating during on campus digital exams

Prevent cheating on any device by delivering your LMS quizzes, online assessment platforms, and application-based exams, within the Safe Exam Workspace.

Safe exam workspace with assessment platform
Schoolyear locksdown device

Prevent cheating: Lock down the device

The Safe Exam Workspace locks into full-screen mode, closes other applications and ensures that students have access only to pre-approved content. This includes: websites, files, and desktop applications.

Detect cheating: Detect what you can't prevent

On top of the blocking mechanisms a detection layer is added to reach the highest level of fraud prevention. The dashboard will alert the proctor if Schoolyear isn't locked to full-screen or if other software, like virtual machines, remote access, or screen capturing is used.

Schoolyear dashboard
Fraud prevention flywheel for digital exams

Respond: Fraud prevention is about how fast you can respond

Fraud prevention is a continuous "cat and mouse game". Therefore, Schoolyear is built for rapid response, reacting instantly with improved blocking and detection mechanisms. No manual updating by students is required.

Words from our customer

Learn how TU delft implemented Schoolyear in 2 weeks and took an exam of 800 students

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"We needed a safe solution to test with 800+ students at the same time. No combination of exam room had 800+ computers available. Schoolyear allowed the safe use of students' laptops. We went live within 2 weeks, without involving the IT department."

Dennis den Ouden
Lecturer at TU Delft

Happy Institutions


Secured Exams in the last 12 months


Different laptop types


Students per single exam

Protect academic integrity with Schoolyear

Learn how Schoolyear can improve your assessment process.